Environmental and Civil Justice Attorney Jan Schlichtmann to present SIU Lesar Lecture

November 10, 2022 , by Pete Rosenbery

Jan Schlichtmann

CARBONDALE, Ill. — Noted environmental and civil justice attorney Jan Schlichtmann will share what he learned from representing families in one of the nation’s earliest environmental and public health lawsuits at the SIU School of Law later this month. 

Schlichtmann’s presentation, “Confessions of an Environmental Warrior: What I learned from the Civil Action odyssey on behalf of the Woburn families,” is the law school’s 2022 Hiram H. Lesar Distinguished Lecture. The free, public presentation is at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 17 in the Lesar Law Building Auditorium. This is the 25th lecture, and the second for 2022, in the series established to honor founding Dean Hiram H. Lesar. A reception starts the festivities at 5 p.m. in the law school’s formal lounge. 

The event is free, and open the public. 

Schlichtmann will discuss the 1982 case that involved groundwater contamination from toxic chemicals into the public water supply in Woburn, Massachusetts, and the lessons learned that he applied later in subsequent cases. The Woburn case, settled for $8 million, brought together leading experts in science, medicine and engineering in a then novel multidisciplinary approach in unraveling complex interactions between industrial activities and public health.

Read the complete story here