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The Southern Illinois University Law Journal
The Southern Illinois University Law Journal aims to produce scholarly publications of the highest quality attainable. The Journal is a student-run organization with a board of editors and staff members. The student editors and staff members select articles written by experts on various legal topics and then carry the articles through an editorial process to reach the end goal of publication.
As staff members, students not only work on editing citations throughout selected articles but also compose a student-written note covering a prevalent legal issue of interest to them. These notes are then considered for publication in one of the Southern Illinois University Law Journal issues during the following academic year.
The Southern Illinois University Law Journal is an online-only publication and is available on Westlaw, LexisNexis, HeinOnline, and Digital Commons. Issues beginning with Volume 32, No. 3 can also be accessed at the link below.
Submit a Manuscript to our Journal
Submissions to SIU Law Journal
The Southern Illinois University Law Journal accepts submissions through Scholastica.
If you do not have a Scholastica account, you may email your submission to
Submission Guidelines
Inclusions. Please include each author’s current CV in your submission. A cover letter is preferred but is not required.
Length. For Articles, we encourage submissions of fewer than 25,000 words, including footnotes. For Essays, we encourage submissions of fewer than 15,000 words, including footnotes.
Format. Please submit your manuscript as a Word document, double-spaced, with 1” margins, and in 12-point Times New Roman font. All citations should follow the 21st edition of the Bluebook.
Timing. The SIU Law Journal takes pride in carefully reviewing every submission received. If your preference is to publish in the SIU Law Journal, we encourage you to notify us to that effect upon submission so that we may prioritize review. We have a rolling review process, so we continue to review submissions until all issues of the current volume are filled. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts as soon as they are ready for a publication decision. Authors may also request an expedited review. Please include the date and time any current offers expire in the expedite review request.
Withdrawal. Please let us know if you decide to withdraw your article from consideration. Include your name and the title of your manuscript in your withdrawal notification.
Law Journal Board and Staff:

Ashley Dorsey

Amber Alexander
Managing Editor

Emily Buikema
Summer Survey Editor

Trevor Johnson
Chief Articles Editor

Madelyn Hayward
Research Editor

Alexander Roby
Hybrid Note/Article Editor

Haley Spiewak
Hybrid Note/Article Editor

Paige Wriston
Hybrid Note/Article Editor

Julia Barnett
Staff Member

Grace Gray
Staff Member

Riley Harris
Staff Member

Reagan Honn
Staff Member

Shailey Park
Staff Member

Elijah Phillips
Staff Member

Kyle Pinter
Staff Member

Dillon Ruzich
Staff Member

Elena Schauwecker
Staff Member

Nicholas Stetler
Staff Member

Clint Wells
Staff Member

Matthew Wells
Staff Member