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Juvenile Justice Clinic
The Juvenile Justice Clinic is open to any student who has completed the first year of legal studies and is in good academic standing. See the Simmons Law School Rules relating to Clinics and Field Placements document for more details about enrollment in clinical courses. Those students who wish to utilize an Illinois Student Practice License (711 License) must have completed 45 hours of law credit and be in good academic standing. Having a 711 License allows students to represent clients and appear in court under the supervision of a licensed attorney. Even though non-711 students may not actually represent clients in court, they still may enroll in this course and will be allowed and required to attend court with the supervising attorney and perform work in all other aspects of the course.
Course Instructor:
Clinical Associate Professor Joanna WellsLegal Services
Students enrolled in the Juvenile Justice Clinic work with an experienced clinic attorney and perform legal services and duties to minors for whom the clinic attorney has been appointed guardian ad litem. The guardian ad litem represents the best interests of these minors for whom neglect, abuse or dependency petitions have been filed in Jackson County, Illinois.
Students improve or enhance the following legal skills through the Juvenile Justice clinical experience:
- Factual Investigations
- Reviewing Court Documents and Extensive Case Histories and Reports
- Drafting and Filing Court Documents
- Negotiating with Counsel and Others
- Conducting Interviews with Clients and Others
- Client Advocacy
- Obtaining Knowledge of Appropriate Professional Court Conduct and Interactions
- Working with Other Attorneys and Staff in a Law Office Setting
- File Management and Case Management
- Developing and Implementing Legal Theories
In addition, students have regular class meetings to learn the substantive legal issues most commonly encountered in juvenile neglect, abuse and dependency cases.