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Pro Bono Requirement

SIU campus lake in fall

All students at the Southern Illinois University Simmons Law School are required to complete 35 hours of pro bono work prior to graduation. The work may be law-related, it must be uncompensated, supervised by an attorney or faculty member, and not for academic credit. This requirement was the first of its kind for a law school in Illinois. Pro Bono work may also include service performed at charitable organizations and other non-profits in our local community. All Pro Bono work must be approved by the Director of Experiential Education. 

SIU Simmons Law students have a history of public and community service, including pro bono work. In a typical academic year, students complete more than 25,000 hours of volunteer legal work including pro bono, clinical work, and public service externships. 

For Pro Bono work that is law-related students must be supervised by a licensed attorney or a faculty member. As such, the Simmons Law School does not take direct requests from the public for pro bono assistance or projects. Attorneys looking for law students to help them with pro bono cases or projects can contact the Director of Experiential Education.

Pro Bono Reporting Form

Director of Experiential Education

Associate Professor Shelly Page