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Student Organizations
The Student Bar Association (SBA) represents the students of the Southern Illinois University Simmons Law School. Its purposes shall be:
- To promote and maintain high standards of professional training and ethical conduct.
- To enhance the ACADEMIC program.
- To extend legal education and services to the community at large.
- To plan and conduct a program of social activities.
2024-2025 Officers
President: Danna Samhan
Vice President: Zaraly Frasquillo Bejarano
Secretary: Audrey Evans
Treasurer: Caylie Carter
3L Rep: Hannah Brugger
ABA Rep: Joesph Patrick King
ISBA Rep: Diamond Jackson
Chicago Bar Association Representative: Timothy Hogan
Faculty Advisor: Angela Upchurch
- Agriculture Law Society
- Asian Pacific American Law Student Association
- Black Law Student Association
- Christian Legal Society
- Democrats, Simmons Law School
- The Federalist Society
- Hispanic Latinx Law Student Assoc.
- Human Trafficking Law Society
- Intellectual Property Society
- International/Immigration Law Society
- J. Reuban Clack Society
- Outlaw
- Parents Attending Law School (PALS)
- Phi Delta Phi (PDP)
- Student Bar Association (SBA)
- Sports Lawyers Association
- Veterans Law Student Association
- Women's Law Forum
- Inactive Groups
- Individual rights and liberties
- Genuine equality
- Access to justice
- Democracy and rule of law
- Filing groundbreaking lawsuits to stop animal abuse and expand the boundaries of animal law.
- Providing free legal assistance to prosecutors handling cruelty cases.
- Working to strengthen state anti-cruelty statutes.
- Encouraging the federal government to enforce existing animal protection laws.
- Nurturing the future of animal law through Student Animal Legal Defense Fund chapters and our Animal Law Program.
- Providing public education through seminars, workshops and other outreach efforts.
To increase SIU law community’s awareness of Asian cultures, promote the cultural diversity of SIU, provide social & cultural outlet of SIU law; provide forum to discuss legal issues pertaining to Asian communities & Asian states; promote harmony within SIU law community; provide information on Asian cultures.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Khushbu Bhakta
Faculty Advisor: Peter Alexander

Supporting African Americans, as well as other minorities, to enter the field of law, be successful, and maintain cultural influences.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Sheraya Bernard
Faculty Advisor: vacant
The Christian Legal Society is a fellowship organization comprised of students, faculty and staff seeking to be an example of Christian principles and behaviors through the study and ethical practice of law at SIU. CLS will host student–led Bible studies, outreach and volunteer opportunities to the SIU community.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Andrew Cristea
Faculty Advisor: Shelly Page
The organization provides information and opportunities to law students who are interested in current and future involvement with the Democratic Party. The organization strives to EDUCATE members on campaign and constituent work possibilities and future employment or other participation in politics, government and law.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Anna Stearns
Faculty Advisor: Sheila Simon
Founded in 1982, the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians dedicated to reforming the current legal order. We are committed to the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks to promote awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Kevin Zielinski
Faculty Advisor: Zvi Rosen
HLLSA’s main priority is to enrich law students and their educational experience by bringing speakers, networking events, and promoting a bond within the law school community.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Zaraly Frasquillo Benjarano
Faculty Advisor: Valery Behan
The Intellectual Property society at Southern Illinois University Simmons Law School strives to educate students on issues regarding intellectual property law -the law regarding patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and trademarks.
The organization hopes to have speakers and events in the interdisciplinary field of IP to provide students on campus with valuable experiences and networking opportunities.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Andrew Esrock
Faculty Advisor: Zvi Rosen
IILS is a group of law students primarily focused on developing connections within and furthering our knowledge of immigration and international law. We seek to educate ourselves in global legal matters and reinforce our connections to those practicing law in the global community.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Danna Samhan
Faculty Advisor: Cindy Buys

An organization to promote the rights and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer persons and their allies, through legal advocacy and the development of policies and practices that establish equality and inclusion.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Matthew Ellefson
Faculty Advisor: Sheila Simon
Law students who are also parents have unique challenges and demands during law school and this group aims to create a social network of resources and support for those students. Most importantly, the group strives to make law school an easy and exciting experience for the children of law students. P.A.L.S. gives children a lifetime of positive law school memories. Because law students without children have also proven to be an essential part of a parent’s support network, this group is open to any student with or without children.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Amber Alexander
Faculty Advisor: Anna Vick
Phi Delta Phi is an international legal fraternity focused on developing academic excellence, legal ethics and professionalism in its members. Our membership includes law students, law school graduates and practicing attorneys.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Matthew Ellefson
Faculty Advisor: Sheila Simon
Sports Lawyers Association is an RSO that is focused on informing people on the process of becoming a Sports Agent, the changes in Sport Law, various rulings that shape the legal landscape for sports, and interviewing people who have experience in the field of Sports Law.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Jermaine Hughes
Faculty Advisor: Casey Parker
The purpose of WLF is to promote a professional image of SIU School of Law as an institution for the study of the law, to educate ourselves and others regarding the legal and social status of people and to advocate reforms for the promotion of equality under the law.
2024-2025 President & Faculty Advisor:
President: Emily Buikema
Faculty Advisor: Anna Vick
The following groups are not currently meeting. If you are interested in working to reinstate these groups, please contact us in room 132.
ABA Alternative Careers Association
The SIU School of Law ABA Alternative Careers Association is dedicated to providing students with information on viable alternative and non-legal careers. We seek to provide students with the information they desire and need as they explore their options outside the mainstream legal profession.
ABA Solo & Small Practice Association
The ABA Solo & Small Practice Association provides focused, issue-specific information about the transition to and working for a small law firm.
Alternate Dispute Resolution Student Society
To promote alternative dispute resolution methods as a viable efficient way to settle disputes as opposed to litigation. We will promote and explain alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation, arbitration, and negotiation.
American Bar Association Mid to Large Law Firm
The Mid to Large Law Firm RSO is committed to assisting students who are interested in working for mid-sized firms with over 25 attorneys and large-sized firms with over 50 attorneys. The purpose of the organization is to give students the tools to be successful in obtaining an interview at a firm in the city of their choice and helping them to be successful during the interview process. The organization will also assist students in getting into contact with SIU alumni at mid to large law firms.
American Constitution Society
Promoting the vitality of the U.S. Constitution and the fundamental values it expresses:
Cultural Heritage Law Society
To promote and study the preservation of cultural heritage objects, sites and intangibles through awareness of the law and cultural values.
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
SIU Decalogue Society of Lawyers seeks to incorporate the Jewish values of justice, courtesy and Tikkun Olam in our law society and surrounding community. In particular, “Ve’ahvta lere’ acha kamocha” – “Love your neighbor as you would love yourself, and do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
Delta Theta Pi
To foster lifelong friendships and professional affiliations through legal education, international networking, and mutual respect.
Employment and Labor Law Association (ELLA)
ELLA is an organization for those interested in pursuing a career in employment and labor law.
Environmental Law Society (ELS)
Environmental Law Society (ELS) serves as both a forum for students interested in environmental law as well as a volunteer organization to assist in preserving the local environment of Southern Illinois. Previous years have included forums, hiking trips, canoeing, and fundraisers for students interested in ELS. This is a student-run organization under the faculty supervision of Professor Patricia McCubbin.
It is the mission of ELS to help raise awareness of current environmental issues as well as to encourage members and the community at large to engage in environmentally friendly activities available in the surrounding area, which help show the natural beauty and importance of the local environment. The purpose of this organization is to encourage environmental awareness and stewardship through community involvement and sharing of appropriate news and research.
ELS is an organization that encourages environmental awareness and stewardship through community involvement and sharing of appropriate news and research.
Equal Justice Works
Equal Justice Works is an organization designed to help law schools establish and strengthen public interest programs, provide public service, professional development and legal training for students and lawyers and build support in the legal profession for public service through pro bono work and financial support.
Federal Bar Association
The Federal Bar Association is a professional group for lawyers who practice at least some of the time in Federal Court. The mission of the group is to strengthen the Federal Legal System and administration of justice by servicing the interests and needs of law students, federal practitioners, both public and private, the Federal judiciary, and the public.
4th Amendment Association
This club will raise awareness about 4th Amendment rights against governmental intrusion.
Health and Wellness: Mindfulness in Law Society
If/When/How: Lawyers for Reproductive Justice
This group educates, organizes and supports law students to ensure that a new generation of advocates will be prepared to protect and expand reproductive rights as basic civil and human rights.
J. Rueben Clark Law Society
We affirm the strength brought to the law by a Lawyer’s personal religious conviction. We strive through public service and professional excellence to promote fairness and virtue founded upon the rule of law.
Justinian Society
The Justinian Society is an organization committed to educating law students about the legal history of Italian-Americans in the legal profession, establishing contacts between law students and Italian-American judges and attorneys, providing opportunities for scholarships, and promoting the general welfare of the community.
Law & Medicine Society
Law & Medicine Society would like to promote understanding of the law and its interplay with medicine and the medical community. We also want to provide information to develop and explore career paths and opportunities in the health arena and to increase awareness of the current legal issues affecting the medical community while being a resource for them and the law school.
Lawyers Assistance Program
Law school is one of the most stressful times in a lawyer's life. You go from being the "best and brightest" to being surrounded by people who were all the "best and brightest." Law students are particularly vulnerable to stress-related issues such as anxiety, depression, and alcohol and drug abuse.
Military Law
The purpose of the Military Law Society is to serve as an organization for students who are interested in military or national security issues, law, and policy. We welcome anyone who wants to learn more about the military and national security sectors.
Mock Trial Society
Muslim Law Student Association
Out-of-State Student Organization
The Out-of-State Student Organization is a group dedicated to students who are from out of state and are looking to practice outside the state of Illinois. The group is to provide support and guidance to those who are not from Illinois.
Phi Alpha Delta (PAD)
Phi Alpha Delta is an international legal fraternity focused on developing academic excellence, legal ethics and professionalism in its members. Our membership includes law students, law school graduates and practicing attorneys.
Republicans, Law School
The purpose of this group is to stimulate in the student body an active interest in Republican affairs, to increase the honesty, integrity and efficiency of our representative government, to adhere to and perpetuate the principles of the United States Constitution and those of the States within and provide for all people the highest DEGREE of justice and common welfare.
Second Amendment Association
We are dedicated to promoting a better understanding of America’s Second Amendment rights and our goal is to educate our peers about gun safety and gun rights.
Secular Legal Society
The Secular Legal Society advocates for the separation of church and state and the rejection of religious doctrines’ influence on public policy. We strive to foster development and promote the merits of skepticism, critical reasoning, scientific literacy and education, science-based public policy and public investment in scientific discovery.
SIU Law Social Justice Initiative (NLG)
SIU Law Social Justice Initiative (NLG) is the oldest and largest progressive bar association and was the first to be racially integrated. Our mission is to use law by uniting lawyers, law students, legal workers, and jailhouse lawyers to function by valuing human rights and the rights of ecosystems over property interests.
Sports Law Society
Sports Law Society is an organization incorporating both sports and law through sporting events, networking and professional speakers to provide awareness to students of diverse careers in athletics that utilize skills acquired through study of the law.
Sports & Entertainment Law Society
This society serves to promote student understanding and enjoyment sports and entertainment and media law.
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
SALDF is dedicated to providing a forum for education, advocacy and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system, and raising the profile of the field of animal law.
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) chapters are law student groups that are affiliated with the Animal Legal Defense Fund and share its mission to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. The Animal Legal Defense Fund has numerous resources for law students interested in the field of animal law.
SALDF has worked hard over the last few years to develop working relationships with local animal shelters. Students take time from their schedules to volunteer at these shelters, and the organization has a yearly Pet Tree for people to donate supplies at Christmas to local shelters. In addition, the group has multiple fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds for sponsorships, and other worthy causes to help fight animal cruelty and neglect.
SALDF is dedicated to providing a forum for education, advocacy and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system, and raising the profile of the field of animal law.
More About ALDF
For more than three decades, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has been fighting to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. Founded in 1979 by attorneys active in shaping the emerging field of animal law, ALDF has blazed the trail for stronger enforcement of anti-cruelty laws and more humane treatment of animals in every corner of American life. Today, ALDF’s groundbreaking efforts to push the U.S. legal system to end the suffering of abused animals are supported by thousands of dedicated attorneys and more than 100,000 members and supporters. Every day, ALDF works to protect animals by:
Street Law Society
This is an organization that creates classroom and community programs that teach people about law democracy and human rights. Our interactive programs empower students and the community to become legal savvy contributors to society.
Women of Diversity
A student law organization that seeks to support women of diverse cultural backgrounds, promote sisterhood, community service and academic success. This organization aims to be a secondary multicultural family to each student who becomes a member, appreciating common ground and diverse experiences.