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Student Organizations

The Student Bar Association (SBA) represents the students of the Southern Illinois University Simmons Law School. Its purposes shall be:

  1. To promote and maintain high standards of professional training and ethical conduct.
  2. To enhance the ACADEMIC program.
  3. To extend legal education and services to the community at large.
  4. To plan and conduct a program of social activities.

2023-2024 Officers

President: Danna Samhan
Vice President: Kameron Clay
Secretary: Lauren Ozenkoski
Treasurer: Rheann Lucas
3L Rep: Katherine Bauer
2L Rep: Zaraly Frasquillo Bejarano
1L Section 1 Rep: Margot Santos
1L Section 2 Rep: Mariam Hamdan
ABA Rep: Alicyn Gerhardt
ISBA Rep: Taylor Ingram

Registered Student Organizations: